Thursday, January 27, 2011


Demonstrating a lesson for the students is important for them in order to make them fully-understand the lesson.It is also essential for the teachers to demonstrate the students in making them cope up the discussion easily and also to avoid their minds in confusion.In the demonstration process,students would be able to interact to the teachers and quickly feed their curiosity.


Dramatization is a best method for the students to enrich their creativity and it is also a way for a teacher to discover some hidden talents to their students.In this way,students would be able to practice their speaking difficulties and lack of self confidence.


As for the teachers,it is their duty to make students be satisfied in their learning.Contrived experiences is a way help for the students to make them satisfied in their learning.example would be in the Science class,it is impossible for a teacher to bring the planets or the impossible things that we see in our environment.So,in order for a science teacher to make his students satisfied,he should make a substitute one in order for the students to listen carefully and catch their attention.Constructive experience is a helping tool for the teachers to make students understand abstractions..

LB #7-Direct Purposeful Experience and Beyond

It is essential for the students to have a direct purposeful experience because as i remembered that in order for the students to get motivated,a teacher should use this 3 domain:the cognitive,affective and the psychomotor domain.for me,it is a must fir the students to have an experience of their senses in making a good ideas on their own.Also,a teacher should design a task to enrich students performance in school.As my one of principles in life,"i was glad i did rather than i wish i had"-this quoted line  it also says that it is important to a person to have an experience in something whether the result is good or bad,atleast,he/she learned it.


As a future teachers,it is always advisable to have an instructional materials but before that,a teacher should always be prepared before she will meet his students.The main tool for instructional materials is his self.A teacher should be presentable in facing his students.Next,would be choosing the right materials in teaching  and lastly,his lesson objectives.It should be clear and well-defined method.


In students learning,it is important for the teachers to think what would be the best method to use to make his students well-informed.So,in this chapter,the cone of experience is a helping tool for the teachers in the process of discussion.As stated,the cone of experience is a visual device that can makes learners achieve their learning goals.It presents bands of experience arranged according to degree of abstraction and not degree of difficulty.The students can easily catch up in the flow of discussion in the form of the cone of experience..